
Blog Post Grid

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Hello world!

admin August 14, 2023

Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing!

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Praesent tristique eget enim quis molestie

admin April 10, 2019

Sed sem tellus, feugiat quis sagittis at, fringilla sed felis. Duis porttitor or congue. Vivamus a orci fermentum, fermentum quam non, ultricies massa. Nunc…

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Etiam laoreet non sem vitae mattis rutrum lobortis.

admin April 10, 2019

posuere nec odio. Nam lacus nibh, cursus quis nunc et, porttitor dapibus nisi. Etiam id augue dolor. Proin placerat aliquam.

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Quisque ut tellus vitae odio rutrum lobortis.

admin April 10, 2019

posuere nec odio. Nam lacus nibh, cursus quis nunc et, porttitor dapibus nisi. Etiam id augue dolor. Proin placerat aliquam.

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Donec ornare est mauris, quis blandit mauris cursus non

admin April 10, 2019

posuere nec odio. Nam lacus nibh, cursus quis nunc et, porttitor dapibus nisi. Etiam id augue dolor. Proin placerat aliquam.

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Nulla mattis feodio dapibus porttitor ante accumsan libero

admin April 10, 2019

posuere nec odio. Nam lacus nibh, cursus quis nunc et, porttitor dapibus nisi. Etiam id augue dolor. Proin placerat aliquam.

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Justo Molestie

admin November 12, 2018

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the…

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Pulvinar Hendrerit

admin November 12, 2018

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the…

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Blandit Faucibus

admin November 12, 2018

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the…

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Aenean turpisest

admin November 12, 2018

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the…

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Curabitur consectetur

admin November 12, 2018

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the…

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augue quam

admin November 12, 2018

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the…

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Q translate X

admin November 10, 2016

Tested for translation readiness with other languages using PoEdit and also multilingual websites using qTranslate X plugin. Also RTL compatible.

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Font Options

admin November 10, 2016

Tested with 600+ Google font options which allow for Cyrillic, Latin and Sub set fonts and styles as well. So write in any language…

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Color settings

admin November 10, 2016

Color picker makes it easy for you to enhance and change the whole color scheme of the theme at various places to be just…

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Shortcodes and Blocks

admin November 10, 2016

Theme comes with 30+ blocks which help in creating and setting up content easily plus it is compatible with a shortcodes plugin which allows…

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admin November 10, 2016

Sliders are a way to describe things easily with visual representation and hence we tested this theme with more than 10 sliders which work…

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Header layout

admin November 10, 2016

Use the header you want with 4 header choices given for the homepage and add any banner or map or video for inner page…

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Footer layout

admin November 10, 2016

Footer is also given with 4 different layouts to choose from.

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WooCommerce and other plugins

admin November 10, 2016

WooCommerce tested theme for easy shop and eCommerce as well as Contact form 7 tested for forms and NextGen gallery and other portfolio plugins…

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admin November 10, 2016

Default forum from is also tested and is found to be compliant.

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admin November 10, 2016

Fully widgetized sidebars, header area and footer for easy custom widget and custom content the way you want to use them and place them.…

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Font based social icons

admin November 10, 2016

Use of 580+ social icons enable you to add the icons the way you need them. Since they are font based you can have…

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Speed and SEO

admin November 10, 2016

Tested for faster speed on Google page speed and gtmetrix and pingdom tools as well as made SEO friendly compliant.

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Hello world!

admin August 14, 2023

Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing!

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Praesent tristique eget enim quis molestie

admin April 10, 2019

Sed sem tellus, feugiat quis sagittis at, fringilla sed felis. Duis porttitor or congue. Vivamus a orci fermentum, fermentum quam non, ultricies massa. Nunc…

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Etiam laoreet non sem vitae mattis rutrum lobortis.

admin April 10, 2019

posuere nec odio. Nam lacus nibh, cursus quis nunc et, porttitor dapibus nisi. Etiam id augue dolor. Proin placerat aliquam.

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Quisque ut tellus vitae odio rutrum lobortis.

admin April 10, 2019

posuere nec odio. Nam lacus nibh, cursus quis nunc et, porttitor dapibus nisi. Etiam id augue dolor. Proin placerat aliquam.

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Donec ornare est mauris, quis blandit mauris cursus non

admin April 10, 2019

posuere nec odio. Nam lacus nibh, cursus quis nunc et, porttitor dapibus nisi. Etiam id augue dolor. Proin placerat aliquam.

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Nulla mattis feodio dapibus porttitor ante accumsan libero

admin April 10, 2019

posuere nec odio. Nam lacus nibh, cursus quis nunc et, porttitor dapibus nisi. Etiam id augue dolor. Proin placerat aliquam.

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Justo Molestie

admin November 12, 2018

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the…

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Pulvinar Hendrerit

admin November 12, 2018

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the…

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Blandit Faucibus

admin November 12, 2018

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the…

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Aenean turpisest

admin November 12, 2018

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the…

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Curabitur consectetur

admin November 12, 2018

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the…

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augue quam

admin November 12, 2018

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the…

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Q translate X

admin November 10, 2016

Tested for translation readiness with other languages using PoEdit and also multilingual websites using qTranslate X plugin. Also RTL compatible.

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Font Options

admin November 10, 2016

Tested with 600+ Google font options which allow for Cyrillic, Latin and Sub set fonts and styles as well. So write in any language…

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Color settings

admin November 10, 2016

Color picker makes it easy for you to enhance and change the whole color scheme of the theme at various places to be just…

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Shortcodes and Blocks

admin November 10, 2016

Theme comes with 30+ blocks which help in creating and setting up content easily plus it is compatible with a shortcodes plugin which allows…

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admin November 10, 2016

Sliders are a way to describe things easily with visual representation and hence we tested this theme with more than 10 sliders which work…

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Header layout

admin November 10, 2016

Use the header you want with 4 header choices given for the homepage and add any banner or map or video for inner page…

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Footer layout

admin November 10, 2016

Footer is also given with 4 different layouts to choose from.

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WooCommerce and other plugins

admin November 10, 2016

WooCommerce tested theme for easy shop and eCommerce as well as Contact form 7 tested for forms and NextGen gallery and other portfolio plugins…

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admin November 10, 2016

Default forum from is also tested and is found to be compliant.

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admin November 10, 2016

Fully widgetized sidebars, header area and footer for easy custom widget and custom content the way you want to use them and place them.…

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Font based social icons

admin November 10, 2016

Use of 580+ social icons enable you to add the icons the way you need them. Since they are font based you can have…

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Speed and SEO

admin November 10, 2016

Tested for faster speed on Google page speed and gtmetrix and pingdom tools as well as made SEO friendly compliant.

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